
Cloud Computing som service management? Netnørd arrangement den 26. maj 2010 kl. 16.30- 20 i SEH!

Netnørderne gentager succesen med et på-vej-hjem møde fredag den 26. maj 2010 kl. 12.30 - 15.30 i SEH om Cloud Computing.
Microsoft, google og IBM er langt fremme med konceptet og jeg har sakset dette indlæg fra IBM´s elektroniske nyhedsbrev.

Tilmelding til Netnørdernes møder sker altid 1 uge forud til netnoerd@gmail.com af hensyn til arrangementets forberedelse.
På gensyn og god sommer 2010.

Clouds on the horizonIt’s getting cloudy. Fast.
Gartner estimates worldwide cloud services revenue will more than surpass US$56.3 billion this year and will surge to just more than $150 billion in 2013.1
IDC predicts cloud computing services will represent a US$42 billion market by 2012. 2 Interest in cloud is reaching near universal proportions for IBM customers, 40% of them use some form of cloud today and almost all are interested in using it in the future. 3

It could be a pleasant forecast for IT departments.
For users, cloud computing is a way to get the applications they need provided as services on demand, without needing to know from where or how they are delivered. For IT departments, cloud computing means providing high quality services from an infrastructure that is almost infinitely scalable and flexible, and one that simplifies IT management and reduces costs.
It's a win-win, but IT departments will need to get ready to take advantage of the cloud.
40% of IBM customers use some form of cloud today and almost all are interested in using it in the future – IBM Value Proposition Quantitative Research

Dynamic leadershipIBM is helping lead the cloud charge.
It has built 13 cloud computing centers around the world 4 and created a cloud computing business unit reporting directly to the chairman, Sam Palmisano. 5
IDC sees “that of all the available cloud service definitions, IBM’s is by far the most expansive and encompassing.” 6 Recently, at the IBM Pulse 2009 conference, IBM established a new vision for a Dynamic Infrastructure that provides a foundation for cloud computing.

Now, in the next step of its Dynamic Infrastructure initiative, IBM is delivering new and enhanced software to help further cloud computing in general practice.
The software provides critical capabilities to condition and prepare IT infrastructures to exploit all that cloud computing offers by supporting open standards and service orientation, virtualization and automation, as well as security and resiliency.
Without service management, dynamic infrastructures and cloud computing cannot exist. – EMA Impact Brief, February 2009

Service management is a must Service management, as a method of ensuring that technology is meeting the needs of business, is already being widely adopted. According to analyst EMA, "30% or more of IT organizations have already moved to a service management paradigm with another 50 to 60% in the process," and that "without it, dynamic infrastructures and cloud computing environments cannot exist." 7

Recognizing this need, IBM has introduced the Service Management Center for Cloud Computing to provide the tools and practices to manage cloud services.
It helps provision resources and optimizes the virtual operations critical to cloud. It can lower costs and achieve greater efficiency by automating tasks for virtualized servers, and can help ensure service availability and consolidated operations by visualizing virtual environments.

One of the first offerings of the new service management center is IBM Tivoli® Service Automation Manager.
Clouds must dynamically fulfill service requests to meet changing needs, Tivoli Service Automation Manager can request, fulfill, and manage complete software stacks, including the definition, offering, request and automated provisioning of the stack, and include integrated management of the environment.

Security is the top concern when it comes to cloud deployments – IDC

A cloud you can trustAccording to IDC, security is the top concern when it comes to cloud deployments.
8 IBM is making securing the cloud easier with three new software bundles:

Tivoli Identity and Access Assurance administers, secures and monitors user access to resources and provides compliance auditing to help you get ahead of compliance demands, enhance your security in cloud environments and reduce operational costs. Tivoli Data and Application Security protects data and applications via auditable access controls, fine-grained entitlements and encryption key management.
It provides end-to-end protection in enterprise storage and within critical applications for comprehensive security in cloud deployments.
IT commentators speculate that mainframes provide the performance, security and cost efficiency to make ideal cloud platforms.
9 Tivoli Security Management for z/OS® helps those that agree by accelerating security management with comprehensive security administration, user management and audit and compliance features for z/OS RACF®.

Getting the enterprise ready Cloud computing impacts the entire enterprise.
So organizations are looking at how they can structure themselves to get ready.
The challenge is understanding the enterprise architecture – the underlying logic of an organization that spans its strategy, resources, processes and supporting IT infrastructure – and optimizing it for a services-based cloud approach.
IBM Telelogic System Architect provides tools to visualize, analyze and communicate enterprise architecture.
Enhancements to the software as part of the Dynamic Infrastructure initiative help develop a road map for developing cloud services and integrating them with SOA-based lifecycle views.

On April 7, IBM made available its LotusLive Engage cloud-based solution for business social networking

The cloud is live – LotusLive Engage In addition to these software offerings to help condition your infrastructure for cloud, there is an IBM software-as-a-service offering that can be used immediately to lower costs and boost productivity.
On April 7, 2009, IBM made available its LotusLive™ Engage cloud-based solution for business social networking.
LotusLive Engage is delivered through the cloud to give businesses the tools they need to collaborate and use social networking capabilities to work smarter and faster, without increasing resources from the IT department.
Try LotusLive Engage today.

A dynamic infrastructure helps build a smarter planetIBM, its customers and business partners are working on building a smarter planet and that means building smarter IT infrastructures that enable a more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent world.
Cloud computing is a key component of the IBM vision for a dynamic infrastructure and IBM has the software to help gear up for the low-cost, high-flexibility promise waiting in the cloud.
Whether it’s to help businesses out-maneuver the competition, create more efficient energy grids, safer and healthier food supplies or any other of the many ways technology can help the planet work better, IBM is delivering the software to make cloud computing part of a bright, innovative and smarter future.

Webcast: Cloud Computing. Se den på linket.
Innovation that drives IT and operations efficiencies. Watch the webcast.
Dynamic Infrastructure in Action: Reducing Costs While Increasing Value.

Watch the webcast
White paperMore than software – IBM has key infrastructure elements for cloud computing. Read the whitepaper
Service Management Resource Center
See what IDC thinks about the IBM Service Management Center for Cloud Computing
Learn more
Cloud computing to top $150 billion by 2013, eChannelLine, by Chris Talbot, April 5, 2009
IBM Blue Cloud Initiative Advances Enterprise Cloud Computing, IBM Press Release, February 10, 2009
IBM Value Proposition Quantitative Research Phase II Global Report, December 2008
IBM Blue Cloud Initiative Advances Enterprise Cloud Computing, IBM Press Release, February 10, 2009
IBM Wheels Out New Cloud Unit, Cloud Computing Journal, Maureen O'Gara, February 11, 2009
IBM Seeds Blue Cloud Strategy with Service Management Toolkit, IDC Analyst Insight, Jean S. Bozman, Mary Johnston Turner, Tm Grieser, February 2009
IBM Delivers Down to Earth Cloud Computing, EMA Impact Brief, February 2009 (PDF, 304 KB)
Cloud Security Fears Are Overblown, Some say, About.com: Computing Center, James Niccolai, February 18, 2009
Big iron, the ultimate cloud platform? William Hurley, InfoWorld, April 20, 2009.

Det som bekymrer de fleste virksomheder er om det nu er sikkert nok med forbindelse til Skyen uanset hvilket koncept man anvender?
Kan ressourcerne scaleres?
og er de effektive nok til at klare virskomhedens forretningsgange?
Hvad kan vi spare på det?
Har vi uddannet personale til at håndtere den nye tilstand?
Ja der er mange spørgsmål som skal og må besvares på et sikkert grundlag før man kan anbefale service management klaret af i en sky!
Kom med dine erfaringer for analyse af begrebet cloud_computing. PÅ gensyn til mødet i SEH. Valdemar Thomsen mailto:netnoerd@gmail.com

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